In preparing for a presentation I sat down and asked the following question to help direct me on creating the most appropriate experience for this group. The following was the inspiration. I hope you enjoy.
What is the best to come through for Thursday?
Love for self
Love for world
Love for life
Nothing begins in this world without love. Ideas, create and flow into movement forwards.
There are many different ways this is shown to the world. Do we see it?
Stop and take a look around your life right now.
The sun shines, the birds are flocking, life carries on. In moments of uncertainty – life carries on.
How do you wish to experience this life?
How do you choose when it feels there are no choices?
All life is doing the best they can with the pulls and resources they are following from within.
Natural life is more in tune with those resources as they are less affected by the outside world and pressures of belief and ideas. They follow the natural rhythms guiding movement and change while we follow unnatural -artificial directions These processes create the boxed in feeling, the disconnect from within is what matters
Each of us is uniquely designed to move and navigate through all possibilities of life.
Now is a time of great change where the outcome and paths are unknown. Past predictors are not applicable as the models are based off of old ways. But we are not in those times.
The one constant is the faith in humanity. That regardless of trials faced and forthcoming, the one constant is the ability of humanity to persevere. The basic goodness of one another to assist, support, share in the good times and bad is the driving force within that opens the grace and acceptance of the fellow human.
This story is less visible and accessible to the masses.
If you were sharing stories with a child, would you share the horrors of individuals or of hope and possibilities? Then why is it different for you and what you consume?
Has running through all possibilities living and reliving painful experiences in hopes of controlling your future served you? Have they created scenarios where you appreciate one another’s gifts or placed you further at odds with them and in truth, yourself?
If your child woke from a nightmare, do you have him relive it over and over in hope that he will go back to sleep and rest and rejuvenate?
Then why is this acceptable as a means of living in the world today?
Regardless of “rules” you have choices that create resilience in mind, body and spirit. You are that authority which decides how you will execute your well-being in the face of change and challenges. At some point you are the only one who has the only say how you feel and live within your body.
And there are ways to make that feel good, not bad. There are tools for physical, emotional, mental well-being. Nature and the breath are endless options to support. How you think and the influences to thought you allow into your life affect you. Foods and quality of nutrition you consume to support your internal health affects your emotional experiences too. Exercise and movement of the energy you create affects all of the above.
In all of these you have choices each moment that affect your experience here. Your choices affect the environment you help create. And this environment affects the world view and human view of the world around.
We suggest returning back to nature. The physical outdoors and your true nature in integrity with the truth of who you are. Put down the stressors from the outside and find the strength and courage you are gifted from within.
There are many ways available to you. Some les helpful and others very helpful. We suggest the ones that support your sovereignty, your freedom and your unique individuality (skip the others).
That is what is being asked to be developed at this time. You are needed in your beauty of design to lift the world and your world. To support each other in reminding them of their beauty and glory. To walk each other back towards the excitement, a gift you are for this time.
You have an internal wisdom that beats within. Quiet the outside noise and find your inspiration from within. You have all the beauty, love and joy you need.
For all.
Glad to see that this site works well on my iPhone , everything I want to do is functional. Thanks for keeping it up to date with the latest. Maudie Sonny Spada
Thank you for letting me know! Cheers.